Hearts in Hawai'i

Our 2024 Minnesota State Parks Trip--Day 7

State Parks #17 & #18--Rice Lake and Myre-Big Island State Parks

It was still raining when we awoke but had stopped by the time we left for Rice Lake State Park at 8 a.m. At the park which lies about 50 miles west of Rochester near Owatonna, the heavy rains of the previous evening and night were evidenced by a lot of water ponding on the Hiking Club Trail which has a few overlooks of Rice Lake. It was careful going, especially after I slipped and nearly fell a few times--in these cases, my philosophy has always been "Protect the camera!" which has led to my knees getting a bit bloodied a time or two (evidenced here during our 2014 trip to Maui!)

Pay attention to the trail or this could happen to you! On Maui in 2014

In this park, the primary trail is the Hiking Club Trail, a 2.4 mile loop which is primarily flat with a mix of mowed grass and packed dirt. Today, it was soggy.

Getting going on the Hiking Club Trail

Wooden path leading down to the dock on Rice Lake

We struggled on through the wetness for a few tenths of a mile before giving up and retracing our steps. Another parking lot a short distance away provided access to the northern end of this trail. It was shorter but drier here (at the start, at least) so we continued on until similar conditions prevented our proceeding. It was then on to Myre-Big Island State Park just outside Albert Lea.

At Myre we located the Big Island Trail, about a 1.4 mile loop around, surprisingly, Big Island! . This was a fun and relatively easy hike on what was quickly becoming a hot muggy day with temps which would reach into the upper 80's and dewpoints in the 70's. We were rewarded with some nice views of Albert Lea Lake.

Starting the Big Island Trail

Big Island Trail

Big Island Trail

Albert Lea Lake

Following an easy drive back to the hotel (didn't need Siri for this one!) on I-90 and US 63, we rested up for most of the afternoon before heading out for what would be our best dinner in Rochester at the Purple Goat.

A company called Creative Cuisines owns this restaurant (and four others). As usual in a new town, we weren't quite sure what to expect here and had considered a couple other places such as Sorellinas, an allegedly impressive Italian place. In the end, we stuck with the plan of going to Purple Goat and were we glad we did!

I was given a buzzer device and told it would be 5-10 minutes. Looking around and seeing the restaurant being not even closed to full, I thought "Hmmm, okay" and we sat down on a bench checking out their supply of T-shirts with "Purple Goat" in fairly small letter on the front with a large "Totes My Goats!" inscription on the back. If you don't know the meaning of this, check out the movie "I Love You, Man"; it also has other meanings with roughly similar spellings.

Anyway, less than ten minutes after getting the buzzer, it buzzed and we led to a nice booth; upon purusing their menu, we decided to order boneless chicken wings (always an appy favorite of ours) with Honey Chipotle sauce. Patty didn't think much of these, but I liked them. They weren't in the same class as a similar offering at Boulder Tap House but I thought it a nice way to start off a meal.

From there, Patty was all about the soups and salads--today's featured soup was Tomato Basil which was an easy choice for her. I'm a pasta guy which is well known if you follow this blog and they had a fascinating looking Gorgonzola Cavatappi. Cavatappi is one of my favorite pastas and I fell in love with Gorgonzola from enjoying the Steak Alfredo with Gorgonzola which used to be offered at Olive Garden. This was much, much better! With a crouton crumb covering, spinach, roasted mushrooms and shallots, what was there here to not love?

Their garlic bread was also extremely tasty and, of course, Patty had to order a couple scoops of ice cream for dessert! It was an expensive meal by the standards of this trip, but so worth it! And I ended up with two leftover meals from the Cavatappi which would make for excellent late-night snacks during our two final nights here.

Boneless Wings at the Purple Goat

My Gorgonzola Cavatappi at the Purple Goat

Patty's Tomato Basil Soup at the Purple Goat

Back at the hotel, as I was making a coffee run a lady walked into the lobby wearing a Duluth T-shirt and we chatted for awhile about their visit to Duluth and other sundry topics. They're staying here as her husband is having surgery at Mayo tomorrow, a common reason for people to use this hotel as they have several shuttles each day which connect to the Mayo Clinic campus.

Just one more day to go! Will the weather permit visiting two final state parks?

Next: 6/17/2024--Our 2024 Minnesota State Parks Trip--Day 8

Previous: 6/15/2024--Our 2024 Minnesota State Parks Trip--Day 6

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last updated june 20, 2024