Hearts in Hawai'i

State Park #19--McCarthy Beach State Park

Continuing my quest to visit all 64 of Minnesota's State Parks, today found me headed north from Proctor for a visit to McCarthy Beach State Park in Side Lake, nearby Hibbing. I had no idea what to expect in this park, and the heavy rainfalls in June made me wonder if the trail I had chosen, the Pickerel Lake Trail, would be passable or a soggy mess.

Arriving at the park station, after buying a T-shirt and speaking with the desk clerk who told me the route I wanted to drive to get to the parking lot was nearly impassable and that part of the trail was on a 45 degree angle, I was rerouted back to Cty Rd 5 and then north to the Ski Trail Road. A small parking lot was found just after turning onto this road and this hike began on this dirt road for a few tenths of a mile before the Pickerel Lake Trail intersected it.

This trail is a fairly easy hike although ascending the section which went down near the lakeshore was, for me, a bit arduous. On the descent I wasn't paying attention to my footing and nearly wiped out, winding up on all fours (hands and feet), facing uphill! But the camera was safe. "Save the camera" has always been a motto of mine and it has caused me to lose some knee skin on occasion. But this time, all was well and I continued down to the lakefront. There are a fair number of rocks and roots on this trail so you have to pay attention to where you're walking and what lies ahead.

This was a fun hike, enthusiasm dampened somewhat by not having my Better Half accompany me. She was on the final day of work before her four-day weekend began and would join me on tomorrow's hike at Bear Head Lake State Park.

Parking lot on the Ski Trail Road

Hiking the Ski Trail Road

Beautiful forest alongside the road

On the Pickerel Lake Trail

Pickerel Lake

Another lake view

About to hike back up the trail

Next: 7/4/2024--State Park #20--Bear Lake Head State Park

Previous: 6/18/2024--Our 2024 Minnesota State Parks Trip--Day 9

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last updated july 3, 2024