Hearts in Hawai'i

Our Trip To Maui (2016)--Day 16

Patty was up at 5 a.m., me at 6:00. Following the traditional peanut butter toast breakfast, we hit the road just after 7:00 with the Kapalua Coastal Trail being our destination. We decided to park at Kapalua Bay this time (as opposed to parking at DT Fleming Beach), and headed to the end of Oneloa Beach, eliminating the relatively boring section where you have to walk on the Lower Honoapi`ilani Road and through the grounds at the Ritz-Carlton Kapalua to DT Fleming.

The heat is on once again this morning, with high humidity thrown in for good measure. Patty turned around at about the halfway point because she needed a "break". I continued on to Oneloa Beach and proved a point--my knees are not in the kind of shape they need to be in order to take on more strenuous hikes such as Waihe`e Ridge and Lahaina Pali. I'm glad I found this out now rather than on those trails.

After walking back on the Lower Honoapi`lani Road back to the parking lot, we returned to the hotel. Patty had two rummage sales she wanted to check out, so I relaxed in the room while she engaged in one of her favorite activities. I then hit the sun for a couple hours. It was nice out on the lawn, getting brown, listening to Hawaiian music on my Sandisk Sansa Clip+ mp3 player.

Pacific Whale Foundation Cocktail Cruise

We checked in at the Pacific Whale Foundation office at 4:45 for our 5:15 cocktail cruise (we got the date right this time! ) Heading over to the harbor to await bording, we located some shade and chatted with various folks in line with us. We managed to find great seating on the boat--there really aren't any bad seating spots--after taking off our shoes (a requirement). There are about 40 or so people on board with us, a fairly friendly group and the food is very good for this type of tour. The boat was very stable making moving about quite easy. At one point, a group of bottlenose dolphins swam alongside the boat for over an hour. Neat! We would certainly do this tour again in the future.

Back at the hotel, I accidentally dropped my Netbook and discovered the drop has fried either the hard drive or the motheboard. Shit!! As we only had three more full days on Maui, this wasn't a huge loss. I got out the notebook and pen to continue working on this blog. The biggest inconvenience is that I didn't remember when I last backed up my files from the Netbook to my flash drive. I know, I know....I should be doing this daily! As it turned out, I last backed up a week ago, so a week's worth of blogging was lost. Some I was able to recreate from memory with help from Patty's memory. Still, it isn't the same.

Losing the Netbook isn't really a terrible thing. It was underpowered with a tiny 11" screen, only 2 gb of RAM. It originally had 1 gb of RAM but I upgraded it last year. Even with the upgrade, performance was ugly slow most of the time. I'll be far better off spending $500-1000 on a better notebook computer with more RAM, a larger display and a better keyboard. It will come in handy on future trips.

Next: 5/30/2016--Our Trip To Maui (2016)--Day 17

Previous: 5/28/2016--Our Trip To Maui (2016)--Day 15

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last updated november 19, 2021